Come see me this Saturday, 10-6 pm at the Manito Park Art Festival! It’s always a great show. Us artists will be set up on the lawn next to the Duncan Gardens!
In London they have Uber Boat! We mostly rode the Tube to get around, but we did have one day where we got to ride the boat and it was fascinating to get a completely different view of the city from the Thames. I’m not sure what this bridge is named, but you can see St. Paul’s in the background along with a ton of construction cranes.
This is Millenium Bridge-If you’ve seen the Harry Potter movies (the last ones), then you have seen this bridge! The pointy building in the back is called the Shard.
I got to fulfill a long time dream and sketched in the Victoria and Albert Museum with mom one evening. I’d love to draw at the British Museum too but it was CRAZY packed when we were there.
We were running around so much, it was hard to find time to draw so a good part of my sketchbook is “What can I see from this restaurant table?” because waiting for food is one of the few times we weren’t on the go. Anything is interesting when you draw it and it builds my memory of the trip even if it isn’t a famous tourist destination. Always look for reasons to draw rather than to not draw!
Done on the Tube. The mother/daughter pair on the right “made” me and asked to see the drawing. I think the Orthodox gentleman eventually noticed that I was drawing him but pretended I wasn’t. Both are perfectly fine responses for me.
Our flat was just across from this fabulous building-the historic Michelin Tire home office! The whole place is a shrine to tires and car racing and elaborately decorated. It now houses three restaurants: a one star Michelin upstairs, a French restaurant on the main floor and an oyster bar in the foyer. This is just the top part of the building because I couldn’t fit the whole thing on one page and get in all the details I wanted.
Here’s the bottom half with people dining alfresco and some fun decorative details that I noticed on the building.
We ended up having lunch in the French restaurant. They reused old Michelin Man decorated ash trays to hold butter and we learned that the motto of the Michelin Man is “Nunc Est Bibendim”: Now is the Time to Drink!
Coming up: Pt 2 of my London trip and what I’m up to in the latter half of June!